The College of Sciences Major Instrumentation Cluster has an AVANCE II 400MHz Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectrometer and an AVANCE III 400 MHz Nuclear Resonance (NMR) that can be requested for use with the following available probes:
- HR-MAS (High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning) 4mm probe (1H observation with 13C and 15N decoupling)
- CP-MAS (Cross Polarization Magic Angle Spinning) 4mm multinuclear (1H, 13C, 15N) probe
- BBI (Broadband Inverse) 5mm probe for liquids samples.
- BBO - Broadband 5mm probe for liquids.
With Variable Temperature (VT) and Pulsed Field Gradient (PFG) capabilities for obtaining chemical structural information on solid or liquid samples.
Applications include:
- Structural characterization of complex organic compounds, polymers, natural organic matter, biopolymers, and other naturally occurring organic materials in the environment
- Biochemical studies of proteins, DNA, and other biological compounds
Requests for NMR time should be made through e-mail address: with Attn: NMR in the title line. For drop off samples to be run by NMR staff, no advanced scheduling is necessary. We will make every effort to accommodate your self-operated or staff-operated experiment request; however, in the event of necessary maintenance or equipment failure, the staff at the College of Sciences Major Instrumentation Cluster reserves the right to modify the probe schedule.
The following rules and procedures apply:
- The service request form must be completely filled out before any NMR service or self-operation is permitted. All usage of the NMR must be entered into the sample log book. Any error messages or equipment failure must be reported to the NMR specialist.
- Only properly trained operators can request self-operated NMR time. Contact the NMR specialist for training.
- The minimum time for self-operation is 1 hour. For drop off experiments, no advance reservation time is needed, but a service request form must still be submitted.
- All NMR fees and charges according to the NMR rates listing will apply unless the instrument is not operational due to mechanical failure or if you give 48 hours notice via e-mail to a staff member that you cannot use the time you requested.
Old Dominion University Rates
Setup Time (in 0.5 hour increments)
Analysis Time (in 0.5 hour increments)
$10/hour (1-8 hours)
$8/hour (9-24 hours)
$6/hour (>24 hours)
University (Non-ODU) & Government Agency Rates
Setup Time (in 0.5 hour increments)
Analysis Time (in 0.5 hour increments)
$20/hour (1-8 hours)
$16/hour (9-24 hours)
$12/hour (>24 hours)
Corporate & Industrial
Setup Time (in 0.5 hour increments)
Analysis Time (in 0.5 hour increments)
$90/hour (1-8 hours)
$72/hour (9-24 hours)
$54/hour (>24 hours)
Requests for NMR time should be made through e-mail address: with Attn: NMR in the title line. For drop off samples to be run by NMR staff, no advanced scheduling is necessary. We will make every effort to accommodate your self-operated or staff-operated experiment request; however, in the event of necessary maintenance or equipment failure, the staff at the College of Sciences Major Instrumentation Cluster reserves the right to modify the probe schedule.
The following rules and procedures apply:
- The service request form must be completely filled out before any NMR service or self-operation is permitted. All usage of the NMR must be entered into the sample log book. Any error messages or equipment failure must be reported to the NMR specialist.
- Only properly trained operators can request self-operated NMR time. Contact the NMR specialist for training.
- The minimum time for self-operation is 1 hour. For drop off experiments, no advance reservation time is needed, but a service request form must still be submitted.
- All NMR fees and charges according to the NMR rates listing will apply unless the instrument is not operational due to mechanical failure or if you give 48 hours notice via e-mail to a staff member that you cannot use the time you requested.
Old Dominion University Rates
Setup Time (in 0.5 hour increments)
Analysis Time (in 0.5 hour increments)
$10/hour (1-8 hours)
$8/hour (9-24 hours)
$6/hour (>24 hours)
University (Non-ODU) & Government Agency Rates
Setup Time (in 0.5 hour increments)
Analysis Time (in 0.5 hour increments)
$20/hour (1-8 hours)
$16/hour (9-24 hours)
$12/hour (>24 hours)
Corporate & Industrial
Setup Time (in 0.5 hour increments)
Analysis Time (in 0.5 hour increments)
$90/hour (1-8 hours)
$72/hour (9-24 hours)
$54/hour (>24 hours)